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Just for Fun

Tips & Tricks: Bathroom Styling

Tips & Tricks: Bathroom Styling

By Amelia Budd, The Tile Depot
22 May 2023 |

You’ve finally got the bathroom of your dreams! The tiles look amazing, your feature wall has the dreamiest of impacts, your vanity fits everything and more, but ... what now? How do we maximize style and comfort when it comes to our bathrooms. I’m here to tell you just that!


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What's the Fuss about the Cersaie Tile Fair?

What's the Fuss about the Cersaie Tile Fair?

Cersaie is the most important ceramic tile fair in the world.  Every year in Bologna, Italy, the Cersaie International Exhibition of Ceramic Tile and Bathroom Furnishings showcases the latest and forecast international trends and product developments. For those of us in the industry, it's a big deal and definitely worth the fuss.

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The Tile Depot Journey with Whale Tales 2022

The Tile Depot Journey with Whale Tales 2022

10 June 2021 |

The Whale Tales event is an immersive art experience presented by WWF-New Zealand, in partnership with Wild in Art and Auckland Unlimited. It is a celebration of NZ art and culture that raises awareness of our unique marine ecosystems. Inspired by the Nationally Critical Brydes Whale, of which there is a resident population of approximately 50 whales in Auckland’s Hauraki Gulf, there are 100 whale tail sculptures being transformed by 100 New Zealand artists.

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Define Your Kitchen's Vibe With Tiled Splashbacks.

Define Your Kitchen's Vibe With Tiled Splashbacks.

By The Tile Depot

Kitchen splashbacks are no longer quiet and recessive functional areas but instead are often eye-catching and central features of a kitchen's overall character and vibe. 

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Since 2000 the Pantone Color Institute has been selecting a colour of the year as a concept for branding, marketing and the wider creative community as a whole. For some the Pantone colour of the year is a serious forecaster of colour trends and a reflection of what is happening in modern culture, whereas for others it’s really just a bit of fun to play around with colour combinations and inspire design decisions.  We had a bit of fun putting together some of our favourite and on trend grey and golden tiles.

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Luigi's Egg Dye Recipe

Luigi's Egg Dye Recipe

By The Tile Depot
06 April 2020 |

A fun family activity for easter  from our family to yours

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