New Zealand Designed. Our Solace range offers a streamline thin frosted minimalist frame design, with warm contemporary led lighting.
5 Year Warranty
Built in Demister Pad
Built in Wireless Speakers (Connect with Bluetooth)
Touch Sensor Dimmer (Hold down to make Dim and Brighten the LED mirror)
Touch on and off button
5mm Copper Free Mirror with Safety Film
Warm 3500K
Aluminum fixing brackets
IP44 Rating
800x600: 42Watts / 1350lumens
800x750: 42Watts / 1500lumens
900mm: 42Watts / 1600lumens
1000mm: 60Watts / 1700lumens
1200mm: 60Watts / 1900lumens
1500mm: 60Watts / 2100lumens
1600mm: 60 Watts / 2200lumens
All Tile Depot bathware products are imported by external local suppliers. They are all in full compliance with the requirements as set out in the New Zealand building Code. No products displayed are subject to a warning or ban under section 26 of The Building Act 2004. Local importer website details can be found on the coresponding data sheet of each product or click here to view landing pages.
SKU: CM-LED-18-RT1075
No query specified.