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The Tile Depot is pleased to be a product partner for Lifemark®

Get it right at the planning stage and make sure your home is designed with Lifemark®

Lifemark® rated homes are designed to be usable and safe for people of all ages and stages. They are easy to live in – for a lifetime. The Lifemark® Star Rating shows how well a home or retirement village will suit you and your family’s needs over a lifetime. Find out more about the Lifemark® Star Rating HERE.

Lifemark® work alongside designers and builders to offer advice on how to make best use of space in a home, based on the principles of Universal Design. Any new home design and any size home can be Lifemark® rated. It’s about designing to have space in the right place. The Tile Depot is pleased to be a product partner for Lifemark®, the only New Zealand tile importer to form this alliance. We have developed a range of tiles with suitable slip resistance properties to ensure homes and in particular wet areas are safe. 

The range will change infrequently as we are batch testing each shipment. This means from time to time we may add or remove ranges to ensure we are achieving Lifemark® standards.


To view the range, or visit any Tile Depot outlet, click below.




Get it right at the planning stage and make sure your home is designed with Lifemark®, using space in the right place.

A new home design is rated against the Lifemark® Standards and awarded points based on how adaptable, safe and usable the home is. The better the rating (3, 4 or 5 Stars), the more it will suit your family’s needs throughout life as they change.


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